# How to play Dwarf Fortress on OpenBSD? 2024-09-18T15:48:00Z Sort of... ## TL;DR Run a linux distro under vmd, then "ssh -Y" to if and play dwarf fortress. ## What is Dwarf Fortress ? It's an incredible game where you control a dwarves outpost. The world is randomly generated and incredibly deep. => https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/features.html Well, you already knew this ;) ## How to install Debian in vmd? Since that's what I know the best, I choosed to run Debian with vmd. => https://www.debian.org/ ``` sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 rcctl enable vmd rcctl start vmd vmctl create -s 20G debian.qcow2 vmctl start -c -m 1G -L -i 1 -r debian.iso -d debian.qcow2 debian ``` Before loading the installer, you must setup a few things to get the console. Press TAB, then enter: ``` /install.amd/vmlinuz vga=off initrd=/install.amd/initrd.gz --- quiet console=ttyS0,115200n8 ``` A few things may be set in your /etc/pf.conf. Here is mine, it use my local unwind for DNS resolution: ``` set skip on lo antispoof for egress block ### Required to install debian with network access pass on tap0 match out on egress from tap0:network to any nat-to (egress) pass in proto { tcp udp } from tap0:network to any port domain \ rdr-to localhost port domain ### pass in proto icmp pass in proto icmp6 pass out ``` ## How to install Dwarf Fortress? On your debian fresh, install, add a few things: ``` apt install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 libgtk2.0-0 libopenal1 libsndfile1 libncursesw5 apt install xserver-xorg apt install openssh-server ``` Now you may log on your VM using ssh : ``` ssh dwarf@ ``` Check your ip with "ip a" on the console if necessary. Then, get dwarf fortress: ``` wget https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/df_50_13_linux.tar.bz2 tar xjvf df*.tar.bz2 ``` ## Run Dwarf Fortress Use ssh "-Y" flag: ``` ssh -Y dwarf@ "./run_df" ``` I won't lie, it's kinda slow. But it works \o/. => https://0x0.st/X3_l.png ## Conclusion Actually Dwarf Fortress isn't really running on OpenBSD, but I find this trick handy if one day I miss a software ony running on Linux. --- Comments? => mailto:prx@si3t.ch?subject=how-to-play-dwarffortress-on-openbsd