# VPN wireguard ipv4 and ipv6 (dual-stack) on OpenBSD 2021-10-21T21:07:51Z Let's assume you followed the instructions given by solene to reach the internet through a wireguard tunnel : => https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2021-10-09-openbsd-wireguard-exit.html Full wireguard setup with OpenBSD You can use this tunnel using ipv6 too \o/. Actually it's quite easy since you can add multiple option to wg configuration. ## network * VPN Port used is 4545 * VPN ipv4 network is * VPN ipv6 network is fd42::/64 ## Endpoint configuration ``` $ cat /etc/hostname.wg0 inet inet6 fd42::1 64 wgkey changemeplease wgport 4545 wgpeer changeme1 wgaip wgaip fd42::2/64 wgpeer changeme2 wgaip wgaip fd42::3/64 ``` ``` $ cat /etc/sysctl.conf net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1 ``` ## Peer configuration ``` wgkey changemeagain wgpeer changemeplz \ wgendpoint xx.xx.xx.xx 4545 wgaip \ wgendpoint yyyy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy::yyyy 4545 wgaip ::0/0 \ wgpka 25 inet inet6 fd42::3/64 wgrtable 1 up !route add -inet default !route add -inet6 default fd42::1 ``` * xx.xx.xx.xx is endpoint public ipv4 * yyyy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy::yyyy is endpoint public ipv6 ## Firewall Nothing to change compared to solene's guide. ## Une réaction? => mailto:prx@si3t.ch?subject=wg-ipv6 Envoyez votre commentaire par mail. => /log/commentaires Mode d'emploi de la liste de diffusion pour recevoir les réponses.