ftp https://si3t.ch/pub/openbsd-faq.tgz tar xvzf openbsd-faq.tgz less index.txt
Offline OpenBSD FAQ is an archive updated daily to read offline the OpenBSD FAQ.
It is generated with the script offaq.sh.
#!/bin/sh # download OpenBSD FAQ for offline reading mkfaqtgz(){ tar czf ../../openbsd-faq.tgz * } cd $(dirname $0) if [ -d www ]; then cd www/faq/ cvs -z9 -q up -Pd -A > /dev/null 2>&1 else cvs -z9 -qd anoncvs@anoncvs.ca.openbsd.org:/cvs/ checkout -P www/faq cd www/faq/ fi #alternative: #htmltotxt="/usr/local/bin/lynx -dump -display_charset=utf-8 -underline_links -image_links -collapse_br_tags" htmltotxt="/usr/local/bin/w3m -dump -O utf-8 -T text/html" for i in *.html; do j="${i%.*}" $htmltotxt $i > $j.txt done mkfaqtgz
You can read html pages with any browser or plain text files with a pager.